Dad was a career Army officer who retired and became a prison guard for awhile. His kids were really his main hobby; he loved to take us on summer camping trips, would play dominoes, Cribbage, board games, horsehoes and badminton with us. And he always took us fishing when we camped, usually getting us up while it was still dark so we could drive to a lake or stream and have our lines ready to go in the water as soon as dawn arrived. If we were lucky enough to catch any trout, my Mom would have cornmeal ready to roll them in and would fry them up for our breakfast along with pan fried potatoes. That always tasted so good on a cold mountain morning! My Dad's hobbies may have been different than some guys are, but I have great memories because of them.
Anyway, here are a few designs in honor of my Dad. Happy Father's Day, Daddy!