Let's face it. Everyone is busy these days and it's hard to get dinner on the table without yet another quick trip to the grocery store for a missing ingredient, or ending up stopping at the closest fast food restaurant instead.
A friend of mine had the great idea to put together a blog chock full of go to recipes, along with a pantry list of what to keep on hand for making them. That way, when it's time to make supper, you can be sure that the necessary items are on hand and ready to go.
Tip: I do one "major" shopping trip monthly, where I replenish my pantry. The rest of the month, I try to go once or twice a week to get fresh ingredients to add to what I have on hand, concentrating on whatever our local stores have in their buy-one-get-one-free ads. It works for me.
So check out the pantry list on the blog, and be sure and add those ingredients to your next shopping list if you'd like to try out our recipes.